
Neuroscience for School Leaders Program (NSLP) 2024115W

Aug 8, 2024 - Dec 31, 2024

$2,000 Enrol

Full course description

Date and time

Day 1: Thursday 8 August 2024, 9.30 am to 11.30 am
Day 2: Monday 12 August 2024, 9.30 am to 11.30 am
Day 3 : Wednesday 21 August 2024, 9.30 am to 11.30 am
Day 4: Wednesday 28 August 2024, 9.30 am to 11.30 am

Delivery mode

Online – a Zoom link will be provided 24 hours prior to the event


Leader, Principal


Looking to register more than one person? Contact us at isLearn to arrange a group discount for your school.

Leadership is a lifelong learning activity. Given the act(s) of leadership are carried out by a diverse range of individuals, each being ultimately fallible, imperfect, and profoundly human, then this must be and should be the case. Leaders must commit to learning as fundamental to enable their growth and maturation in the art and practice of leadership.

The leadership of any school is a privilege and an opportunity to make a difference in so many ways. Such roles are equally not without challenge and circumstances - challenging leaders to reflect on their motivations and aspirations for undertaking such important roles in a sustainable and enjoyable way. The contexts in which school leaders undertake their work are arguably becoming more intense and challenging the interactions with respect to the people work - the cornerstone of all leadership practice. 

This program has been created to support school leaders to refine, deepen, and expand their leadership capabilities in core aspects of school leadership such as decision making, problem solving, communication, engagement, emotional intelligence, leading change, and positive school cultures.

The target group for the program is school leaders with a commitment to improve and refine their leadership practices.

This program will explore:

  • Understanding Brain Function
  • Emotional Intelligence
  • Stress Management
  • Effective Communication
  • Decision Making and Problem-Solving   

Key takeaways

  • deeper understanding of neuroscience: gain insights into the links between neuroscience and school leadership, setting the program's context
  • strategies for assessing school culture: diagnose and understand the nature of school culture
  • tools for exploring responses: use neuroscience to explore responses to school culture issues
  • template for teaming for change: build a collaborative team approach to instigate meaningful change in the school
  • tools to map strengths: Identify and map the strengths of individuals and teams for more effective leadership
  • information about communication planning: develop communication strategies to improve interaction with key stakeholders
  • deeper understanding ofbiorhythms: understand how time management, energy, and learning rhythms affect personal productivity
  • strategies for making decisions: learn approaches to decision-making, considering biases, heuristics, and innovation
  • strategies to lead change: craft compelling narratives to inspire and persuade others toward change
  • tools for effective communication: refine narratives to enabling action, change, and inspiration ansd support others.

Presenter information

Andrew Fuller

Andrew Fuller is a clinical psychologist, family therapist, author, speaker and creator of Learning Strengths™. Andrew has worked with over 3,000 schools in Australia, NZ Asia and the UK and with more than 5000,000 young people on core elements of resilience - connect, protect and respect (CPR) and building The Resilient Mindset. Andrew Fuller is an Honorary Fellow at the University of Melbourne and has been a scientific consultant for the ABC and a regular presenter on Radio National. He has established programs for neuroscience and education and the promotion of mental health in schools, substance abuse prevention, and the reduction of violence and bullying, suicide prevention programs and for assisting homeless young people.

Stephen Brown

Dr Stephen Brown has an international and national reputation as an outstanding CEO and leader in education. thebrowncollective reflects both his collective experience over 30 years in policy, strategy and leadership—and that of the remarkable global network he has developed during this career.

To work with Stephen is to authentically experience the depth of his values and the height of his intellect. Wisdom, empathy, true collegiality and insight—all are generously offered, alongside his heartfelt commitment to making a meaningful difference in the lives of every client and their organisations.