Full course description
Date and time
Wednesday 26 February 2025, 10.00 am to 2.00 pm (in person at ISV)
Term 2 TBA (in person at a member school)
Wednesday 27 August 2025, 10.00 am to 2.00 pm (in person at Youth2Industry)
Wednesday 29 October 2025, 10.00 am to 2.00 pm (in person at ISV)
Delivery mode
In person at ISV and various member schools
Principal, Leader in one of the non-mainstream schools
The VIC SAS network provides opportunities for collaboration, sharing ideas and supporting each other in the quest to make a difference to students and the community they belong to. Sharing stories supports Principals and leaders to have a voice and engage in meaningful dialogue about concerns, strengths, insights and queries.
Schools in the network are providing the supports needed by students predominantly from compromising backgrounds.
This learning event supports creating best practice toward meeting the following VRQA standard(s):
Curriculum and Student Learning – Curriculum framework
Curriculum and Student Learning – Student learning outcomes
Curriculum and Student Learning – Monitoring and reporting on students’ performance
Care, Safety and Welfare of Students – Safe environment
Care, Safety and Welfare of Students – Child safety
Care, Safety and Welfare of Students - Attendance
Key Takeaways
broadened network in a trusting environment
shared stories to strengthen confidence and reduce isolation
strategies to create positive wellbeing outcomes
shared strategies and approaches to support a differentiated inquiry process
strategies personalised to meet specific school challenges
Presenter information
Julie Christopoulos
Julie is currently Principal Consultant at ISV in the School Improvement Team. Her role includes conducting workshops and professional development seminars on various Wellbeing and Curriculum aspects. These include, approaches that can be implemented to develop positive relationships throughout the school community, inclusiveness and cultural diversity, supports for Indigenous students, supports for key concerns such as the ‘word gap’ that students from low socio economic backgrounds and compromising backgrounds are exposed to, personalised learning supports, mentoring and coaching.
Elspeth Adamson
Elspeth Adamson is currently Manager, Student Services at Independent Schools Victoria, where she works in the areas of students with individual needs and student wellbeing, as well as addressing parent concerns about their children’s education. Previously, she was a Head of Campus and Deputy Principal of a Victorian multi-campus Independent school, and a Principal of an international school in India.
Julie Baud
Julie Baud is a Principal Consultant and member of the School Improvement Team at Independent Schools Victoria. With over 30 years’ experience in independent school education in Victoria, South Australia, the ACT and the United Kingdom, she has held a number of senior leadership roles with responsibility for teaching and learning, curriculum, wellbeing and behaviour management, including Principal, Deputy Principal, Assistant Principal and Head of School. As an experienced leader, Julie has worked in very diverse settings, including boarding and residential in both regional and metropolitan areas, and has led and implemented significant change within both existing and new schools.