
Transforming your team's culture: The 4 Stages of Psychological Safety™ 2022197SP

Started Jun 15, 2022

$140 Enrol

Full course description

Date and time

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Delivery mode

Self-paced online - approximately 90 minutes of time investment


This learning event is right for you if you are interested in creating or transforming highly functioning, agile and innovative teams based on strong foundations of psychological safety.


Independent Schools Victoria has partnered with leading experts, LeaderFactor, to access the internationally acclaimed The 4 Stages of Psychological Safety™ course led by Dr Timothy R. Clark.

Psychological safety is a social condition in which human beings feel:

  •  included

  • safe to learn

  • safe to contribute

  • safe to challenge the status quo - all without fear of being embarrassed, marginalized, or punished in some way

The 4 Stages of Psychological Safety™ are a universal pattern that reflects the natural progression of human needs in social settings. When teams, organisations, and social units of all kinds progress through the four stages, they create deeply inclusive environments embracing diversity, accelerating learning, increasing contribution, and stimulating innovation. This also assists in employee retention.

In this course, you will cut straight to the heart of psychological safety and create a personalised action plan to apply your learning.

Credentials like this will increasingly become a requirement for managers and leaders who must create high levels of psychological safety in their teams and organisations to continue to thrive.

‘I wholeheartedly recommend the certification in LeaderFactor’s 4 Stages of Psychological Safety. It is a perfect tool for our particular time because it enables a team, or a department to identify and address the obstacles to helping employees feel included at work. It is straightforward and easy to understand. Leaders, managers and employees can grasp the insights right away. You can actually do something about helping feel included, not just know more about it. I recommend the certification process. It’s one of the most pragmatic and value added opportunities you’ll find to invest in creating a workplace where innovation can become more of the norm and not just an occasional breakthrough.’

– Brent Chesney, Sr. Organizational Development Consultant

To support member schools this learning event is subsidised using Happy healthy resilient schools funding.

This learning event supports creating best practice toward meeting the following VRQA standard(s):

  • School governance – Democratic Principles                                                               

  • School governance – Governance                                                                                

  • School governance – Philosophy                                                                                                

  • Care, Safety and Welfare of Students – Safe environment                                

Key takeaways               

  • information about The 4 Stages of Psychological Safety™ foundations

  • deeper understanding of the application and importance of psychological safety in highly functioning, agile and innovative teams and workplaces

  • resources and slides to visualise learning

  • creation of a personalized action plan to apply your learning.

Presenter information

Timothy R. Clark            

Timothy R. Clark is the founder and CEO of LeaderFactor, a global consulting, coaching, and training organisation. Dr Clark is an international authority in the fields of psychological safety & innovation, large-scale change & transformation, and senior leadership development. He is the author of four previous books: Epic Change: How to Lead Change in the Global Age (John Wiley/Jossey-Bass), Leadership Bones (Bradmore Road Press), The Employee Engagement Mindset (McGraw-Hill), Leading with Character and Competence: Moving Beyond Title, Position, and Authority (Berrett-Koehler). He is also the developer of the EQometer emotional intelligence assessment.

Dr Clark is a highly sought-after advisor, coach, and facilitator to CEOs and senior leadership teams. He has personally coached over 100 CEOs and executives and trained many senior teams around the world. Dr Clark earned a PhD in social science from Oxford University and was both a British Research Scholar and a Fulbright Scholar at Seoul National University in Korea. He also earned a master’s degree in Government and economics from the University of Utah. As an undergraduate at Brigham Young University, he was named a first-team Academic All-American football player where he completed a triple degree cum laude.