
Exploring inquiry and critical thinking with Google’s Arts and Culture

Started Apr 30, 2020


Full course description

Independent Schools Victoria is supporting professional learning for staff of Member Schools throughout Term 2 utilising Non Government Reform Support funding.


Online - recorded event


This learning event is right for you if you are wanting to leverage technologies to open the doors of your classroom to the world and encourage your students to critically evaluate and create resources rich in art, culture and history


No longer just the realm of the specialist teachers, technology enables us to critically engage with Art, Culture and History in new ways to ensure that students are empowered to be creators, not just consumers of these amazing resources.

Ready to be inspired?  In this interactive webinar we will discover diverse art collections from every corner of the world, uncover incredible stories behind many significant moments in history and take a tour around historic sites from the ancient and modern world.

Utilising both VR and AR in a way that even the least “tech-savvy” person can engage with, this webinar will enable you an opportunity to lead your own inquiry, in extraordinary detail, through an area you connect with, and build resources which are easily shared with your colleagues and students.

"It is through educational experiences that students can develop a sense of international-mindedness, which gives them competences to exercise influence on problems facing the world."

Dr Chris Muller

Key Takeaways                

  • ability to explore media through dynamic cycles of inquiry, action and reflection
  • strategies to help develop critical thinking, media and visual fluency and empathy in young people.
  • critical evaluation of digital resources to enhance inquiry learning
  • knowledge of  technologies which allow for creation, not just consumption of Art, Culture and History
  • creation of opportunities to incorporate Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality into lesson planning.
  • deep reading strategies to negotiate meanings with the author/artist and to construct new meaning from the content found on Google’s Arts and Culture website.

Presenter Information

Jim Sill                  

After working in the TV and film business, Jim Sill spent many years as an award-winning video production teacher in California assisting students to produce service projects that addressed the issues impacting teens. His work in the classroom was featured in Edutopia and their Teach2Learn series.

As a Google for Education Certified Innovator & Trainer and Apple Distinguished Educator, Jim specialises in Google’s collaborative tools, the creative student, and visual/media literacy. He has worked with teachers on all 7 continents but calls Melbourne his home.

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