
Purposeful ways to pivot

Started Mar 24, 2020


Full course description


We are now in a time where the traditional school routine can be augmented to encourage and welcome a level of engagement that embraces a slow reading and slow thinking modality. What a gift to be able to give students – the gift of time, to explore, unpack, connect and reimagine. The contents of this course aim to inspire student and educator alike to reimagine and relaunch both pedagogical practice and increased variety in learning opportunities for all. Through our offerings, we hope to provoke deep critical and creative thinking. These offerings will reconnect you with tried and true methods such as Bloom’s Taxonomy, Graphic Organisers, Thinkers’ Keys and Visible Thinking Tools as well as newly imagined tool kits. All of these tools can support your students to gain a more insightful, purposeful and authentic conceptual understanding of what is being shared within their digital platforms.

Our aim is to update this course every week, with new offerings - via worked examples, video clips, provocations and activities that support your professional commitment to ignite the spark of life-long learning for all our students no matter their age.  


The team

Geraldine Nicholas

Geraldine is the Convenor, Gifted and Talented Programs at Parade College. Her job includes the selection of boys into Altior, the Gifted program at Parade as well as the support and Professional Learning of staff who work with the Altior boys. She also teaches Science within the Altior program as well within the Mainstream program.

In her spare time, Geraldine is the Professional Learning Coordinator for Tournament of Minds. This program has been around for 30 years and continues to enchant and enthrall students across all sectors and year levels. Geraldine has worked with schools across Victoria to develop inquisitive teams who can thrive in a creative environment.


Dr Jane Kirkby

Jane is an experienced F-10 practitioner and teacher educator. Prior to her academic roles, she worked predominantly in Foundation - Year 12 school settings. Following completion of her initial teacher education, she undertook post-graduate studies in gifted education, health education and organisational learning. In Jane’s capacity as a school leader, she managed major school initiatives in literacy teaching, assessment and reporting and pastoral care. Her academic research has a Social Justice theme and includes the nature of professional learning for early career teachers, teaching writing and oral storytelling. Jane has developed and delivered teacher education units focused on literacy in primary school and units related to Pedagogy, Engagement and Assessment for secondary disciplines. 


Karen Green – Education Consultant

Karen Green is an education consultant who has worked in a variety of roles in schools Australia wide. Karen has spent the past 19 years facilitating professional development for teachers in both primary and secondary schools in the areas of gifted education, curriculum design and differentiation. She has facilitated numerous workshops around best practice teaching strategies, cooperative learning, assessment and rubric design, teaching and assessing thinking, ways to promote critical and creative thinking in students and the use of a range of thinking tools.

Karen has presented at a number of conferences throughout metropolitan Melbourne and country Victoria. She has also presented talks to parents of gifted students and in 2018 was on an advisory board for a new primary school being established for gifted students. Karen has co-authored MAPPEN, a primary curriculum being used in over 350 schools around Australia


Helen Schiele – Principal Consultant - Independent Schools Victoria

Helen has worked in the educational field for some 28 years. She has developed professional learning opportunities in the areas of curriculum design, differentiation, professional learning communities, literacy and numeracy and artistic learning strategies, a trained Cognitive Coach.  Prior to entering the primary and secondary areas, Helen worked extensively as an early childhood practitioner predominately in low socio-economic areas and multicultural communities.

Helen has completed her Master’s in Education by research and is now completing her Doctoral studies in ‘collective efficacy in education’.

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