Full course description
Date and time
Tuesday 1 April 2025, 4.00 pm to 5.00 pm
Thursday 26 June 2025 4.00 pm to 5.00 pm
Tuesday 7 October 2025, 4.00 pm to 5.00 pm
Tuesday 25 November 2025, 4.00 pm to 5.00 pm
Delivery mode
Online - Access will be provided
EAL/EALD Teacher
The EAL and EAL/D Network will provide the opportunity for educators to share and support each other with ideas, strategies, experiences, research, knowledge, activities, stretches and challenges in the delivery of innovative methodologies that differentiates instruction for EAL and EAL/D learners.
An increasing number of students are learning English as an Additional Language (EAL) or English as an Additional Language or Dialect (EAL/D). The Network will provide further insight into the Australian and Victorian Curriculums and their resources, opportunities for participants to discuss case studies related to Indigenous, Refugee and International Students and the English language supports, practical strategies and research findings that can assist planning for EAL learners in Primary and Secondary levels.
Due to the current global situation and the importance of diversity and inclusion, English support for the learning and development of all young Australians for whom English is not their first language or one of their home languages is critical. It is central in building the capacity of the EAL learner to communicate confidently and effectively, as well as strengthening their understanding of the nature of language and culture. The study of EAL provides students with the skills to become lifelong learners, critical thinkers and active and informed citizens
Key takeaways
- deeper understanding of the links and insights about EAL and EAL/D within the Australian and Victorian Curriculums and their resources and focusses
- information related to Indigenous, Refugee and International Students and the English language supports and practical strategies that can assist planning and teaching methodologies that can be effectively applied and implemented with EAL learners.
Presenter information
Julie Christopoulos
Julie is currently a Principal Consultant at ISV in the School Improvement Team. Her role embodies supporting schools in wellbeing and curriculum aspects. These include, approaches that can be implemented to develop positive relationships throughout the school community and an engaging experience in the delivery and teaching of the curriculum. Julie supports ISV schools in numerous areas that include strategies in adopting restorative practices, inclusiveness and cultural diversity, supports for students who are from low-socio economic backgrounds and are dealing with challenging environments, Indigenous students, refugee students, EAL students, students ‘at risk’ of disengaging from school and students in mainstream settings exhibiting disengagement and challenges. Post graduate studies in counselling allow further depth and understanding in the supports provided.