
Learning and Teaching Network 2024015N

Started Nov 1, 2023


Full course description

Date and time

Term 1

Thursday 20 March 2025, 4.00 pm to 4.45 pm

Term 2

Tuesday 10 June 2025, 4.00 pm to 4.45 pm

Term 3

Wednesday 20 August 2025, 9.30 am to 3.30 pm (in-person at ISV)

Term 4

Thursday 13 November 2025, 4.00 pm to 4.45 pm

Delivery mode

Online – a Zoom link is provided in the Canvas course


Leader of Teaching and Learning


Teachers are, first and foremost, learners. We are constantly on the lookout for new ideas: we are driven to be even more effective for our students and colleagues. The challenge is that there is simply too much information at our fingertips. What we really need is ready access to others who have been there and done that, who have perhaps solved a problem of practice that we are facing, or perhaps who think differently about an issue, or perhaps who have implemented a change that we are considering, or perhaps who simply value the conversation with others in similar roles in a wide variety of schools. Imagine the value of feedback from others who hear your thinking, see what you are designing and implementing and offer insights and expertise, or curiosity.

ISV is delighted to convene Sharing Practice: a network for learning and teaching. Its purpose is to create a network of leaders of teaching and learning, facilitating:

  • stronger connections between schools

  • new professional relationships

  • a forum for new ideas

  • access to a range of perspectives

  • growing knowledge and understanding

  • finding solutions to problems of practice

  • seeking feedback on an initiative you are leading.


Presenter information


Aine Maher

Aine Maher is an education consultant for Independent Schools Victoria. She designs and delivers customised professional learning programs in the areas of curriculum, teaching and learning and leadership development. Aine is an accomplished presenter, a skilled communicator and, with expertise and experience in independent schools over many years, highly knowledgeable in her field. A dynamic networker, Aine has participated in a broad range of state and national advisory and representative committees giving her access to contemporary thinking and practice in learning design, organisational culture and leadership.

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