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Thinking Routines Masterclass 2024093F

May 16, 2024 - Dec 31, 2024

Spots remaining: 19

$1,200 Enrol

Full course description

You can register for the two-day 'Thinking Routines Masterclass' event, or each day separately.


Date and time

Thursday 16 May 2024, 9.30 am to 3.30 pm

Friday 17 May 2024, 9.30 am to 3.30 pm

Delivery mode

In person at ISV, 40 Rosslyn St, West Melbourne


Educator, Leader


Looking to register more than one person? Contact us at isLearn to arrange a group discount for your school.

Contemporary society has often been described as “dynamic” and “complex,” and it is increasingly pressing that we prepare people to productively engage with the opportunities and challenges that such a world presents. What kinds of higher-order thinking skills will best support people to thrive in the world today? How might learning spaces and cultures be established to promote such forms of thinking among learners of all ages?

Thinking routines, developed by researchers at Project Zero-Harvard, involve patterns of thinking that support learners in important cognitive tasks, such as introducing and exploring ideas, synthesising and organising ideas, digging deeper into ideas, taking cultural perspectives and challenging stereotypes.

When thinking routines are used repeatedly over time, they nurture the kind of thinking skills that are critical for thriving in the 21st century, as well as create a thinking culture that supports those thinking skills.

This series of two workshops addresses different purposes in thinking and different levels of familiarity participants have with using thinking routines.

Workshop 1: Making Thinking Routine
This workshop introduces participants to the research bases of thinking routines and how their regular use contributes to a culture of thinking in learning spaces. Participants will become familiar with general thinking routines that target core thinking dispositions (e.g., exploring ideas, synthesising, and organising ideas, and digging deeper into ideas) as well as thinking routines designed to investigate the complexity of ideas, objects, and systems from a variety of vantage points.

Participants will come away with an understanding of:

  • what thinking routines are

  • how thinking routines support specific thinking dispositions in learners

  • how thinking routines might be flexibly used across the curriculum. 

Workshop 2: Designing Thinking Routines
This workshop highlights the potential of thinking routines for supporting important capacities in young people so that they thrive in our dynamic and complex world. Participants will engage with thinking routines designed to develop the capacities they value, explore their use in different contexts, and experiment with creating new thinking routines to support specific dispositions relevant to their school contexts.

Participants will come away with:

  • a deeper understanding of how thinking routines are designed to enculturate specific dispositional qualities

  • a set of new thinking routines, designed specifically for their contexts, that has undergone peer critique and revision.

Making Thinking Routine has been developed in partnership with Independent Schools Victoria and Project Zero at the Harvard Graduate School of Education.

For more information, please contact Independent Schools Victoria at:


Key takeaways

  • pedagogy to effectively and creatively engage students in their learning to create a student-centred learning culture
  • increased confidence in developing student general capabilities, skills, knowledge, attributes and attitudes to learning in sync with the Australian or approved equivalent school curriculums
  • support strategies for school leaders to model and lead thinking routines throughout their school
  • processes and procedures to sustain a culture of self-reflection, deep thinking and global interdependence in their schools
  • deeper understanding of how thinking routines are designed to enculturate specific dispositional qualities
  • set of new thinking routines, designed specifically for their contexts, that have undergone peer critique and revision
  • strategies for school leaders to model and lead thinking routines throughout their school.


Presenter information

Dr Flossie Chua

Dr Flossie Chua is a Principal Investigator at Project Zero. Her work focuses on understanding how people think about and experience complex ideas and challenges in different contexts. Her research also examines how educators nurture good thinking and practices that develop not just better thinkers, but also learners engaged by a range of topics, relating them to both individual and social needs and aspirations.


Link(s) to relevant VRQA Standards

  • Curriculum and Student Learning – Curriculum framework
  • Curriculum and Student Learning – Student learning outcomes
  • Curriculum and Student Learning – Monitoring and reporting on students’ performance