
Unlocking high potential 2024050F

Aug 28, 2024 - Dec 31, 2024

$870 Enrol

Full course description

Date and time

Wednesday 28 August 2024, 9.30 am to 3.30 pm

Delivery mode

In person at ISV, 40 Rosslyn St, West Melbourne


Primary Teacher, Secondary Teacher, Leader


Looking to register more than one person? Contact us at isLearn to arrange a group discount for your school.

Are you curious how to unlock and support the growth of your gifted and highly able students?

Whether you are working with students considered gifted, high potential or twice-exceptional, this workshop will cover the full gamut of research and evidence-based strategies to support you in your role. Theories of giftedness, asynchronous development, characteristics, and experiences will set the foundation for learning before exploring curriculum differentiation, acceleration, extension and enrichment. Frameworks such as Universal Design for Learning and the Maker Model will be examined. Finally, recommended approaches to supporting the emotional and social development of a gifted learner and working together with families in support and celebration of their unique abilities will be shared.

The Inclusive School's programs are tailored to meet you and your school wherever you may be on this journey: working with professionals to identify students; creating classroom conditions that are "just right" to optimise student engagement and personal growth; and support in developing school-wide policies and provisions for a formalised approach and a comprehensive program to support students with high intellectual potential.                                    

Key takeaways               

  • knowledge of gifted education research and current evidence-based practices
  • understanding of how to differentiate the learning environment and experience for individual students through case study analysis
  • understanding of action planning of teaching strategies to cater for the individual profile, strengths and characteristics of gifted learners
  • resources you can review and take back into your classroom or share with colleagues.

Presenter information

Katie Tribe        

Katie is a passionate advocate and educator with over two decades of teaching and leadership experience across many leading primary and secondary schools, both in Australia and the UK. Katie supports learners to build self-efficacy and unlock hidden talent and potential. Skilled in assessment, policy development, curriculum and intervention; she is deeply committed to ensuring all students have an equal opportunity to education no matter their learning needs.

Link(s) to relevant VRQA Standards 

  • Curriculum and Student Learning – Student learning outcomes                                       
  • Care, Safety and Welfare of Students – Safe environment