
VIT Workshop 2024010F

Aug 29, 2024 - Dec 31, 2024


Full course description

Date and time

Thursday 29 August 2024, 9.30 am to 3.30 pm

Delivery mode

In person at ISV, 40 Rosslyn St, West Melbourne


Beginning Teacher, Provisionally Registered Teacher, Mentor Support Teacher


The VIT Workshop is open to all beginning teachers and provisionally registered teachers, as well as mentors. It is a valuable opportunity to work with VIT representatives on moving toward full registration and the requirements for submitting your samples of evidence. This is also a great opportunity to meet other new teachers as you gain valuable information to assist with teaching and learning. This is purposefully planned for later in the year so that you are able to come with any questions, case studies and planning for the remainder of the year.

‘The VIT workshop provided real life examples of things I never think will happen.’

‘That was eye opening and made those standards come alive too.’

‘A very high-value workshop. Fast-paced presenter which I like. I feel much more confident now as I move toward full registration. Thank you - this day was very much appreciated.’

- Past Participants

Key takeaways

  • understanding of gathering examples of evidence
  • greater knowledge of how to engage with social media as a teacher
  • particpation in group discussions  to support the conduct standards
  • further details about the VIT Full Registration process.

Presenter information

Linda Blakis


Linda is the manager of the Professional Practice Team, and has been with VIT since early 2019. She is a trained secondary history and legal studies teacher who has held numerous roles in schools across her career. Her last substantive role with the Department of Education and Training was as an Assistant Principal in a large F-12 school in the northern growth corridor of Melbourne, which is where her passion for working with teachers in their early career stages really took hold.  Linda enjoys the complexity of regulation across the various education sectors, and has worked to develop opportunities for professionals to engage with VIT and understand its role in not only protecting our children and young people but also the integrity and standards of the teaching profession.  

Lucy Buncle


Lucy has taught in primary schools in the inner-city and the western suburbs of Melbourne for over a decade before taking up a position in the Professional Practice team in early 2022. Lucy has a Bachelor degree in Arts and a Diploma in teaching and more recently, completed her Master of Education, specialising in gifted and talented learners. Lucy has enjoyed the collaborative nature of teaching, especially the ability to mentor and learn from new and experienced teachers through this model. In more recent years, Lucy has been able to utilise her specialty to support the growth and development of teachers to implement strategies and programs into their own teaching approach and style.  Lucy really enjoys the complexity of teacher regulation and obligations, and managing these with teacher and community expectations, whilst keeping the safety and wellbeing of young people at the focus of her work. She has also found supporting newly registered teachers a rewarding perk of the job and being a point-of-call to guide them through regulatory processes.  

Link(s) to relevant VRQA Standards

  • Care, Safety and Welfare of Students – Safe environment
  • Care, Safety and Welfare of Students – Child safety
  • Staff Employment – Teachers’ requirements


Sign up for this course today!
