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Feuerstein Instrumental Enrichment Standard One 2024070F

Jun 11, 2024 - Dec 31, 2024

Spots remaining: 12

$4,000 Enrol

Full course description

Non-members, please use the code FEUERSTEIN when enrolling.

Date and time

Tuesday 11 June 2024, 9.00 am to 4.00 pm

Wednesday 12 June 2024, 9.00 am to 4.00 pm

Thursday 13 June 2024, 9.00 am to 4.00 pm

Friday 14 June 2024, 9.00 am to 4.00 pm

Delivery mode

In person at ISV, 40 Rosslyn St, West Melbourne


Teacher, Parent, Therapist, Head of School, Student Support


This program teaches the critical skill of learning how to learn. The Feuerstein Instrumental Enrichment (FIE) program aims to teach students how to learn, think, approach and solve problems. The unique educational technique combines specially designed instruments and mediation to identify and enhance an individual's learning potential.

The Feuerstein Method can benefit anyone interested in learning new thinking and skills. Due to its adaptability and ease of use, the Feuerstein Method is employed in over forty countries worldwide and in various settings. It has not only withstood the test of time but has proven to be as valuable as an intervention and within the classroom as it is in a clinical setting, with the ageing, and as part of workplace training.

This module uses the following instruments: Organisation of Dots, Comparisons, Analytic Perceptions and Orientation in Space. This course is certified by the Feuerstein Institute and facilitated by qualified and experienced Feuerstein trainers. Additional learning will occur outside specified face to face course hours.

Key takeaways               

  • understanding of how to identify learning difficulties or areas of assistance required in a child's learning process
  • techniques to motivate and strengthen specific ways of thinking in others
  • understanding of how to identify and assess the cognitive skills that are slowing down learning
  • exploration of ways to entrust students with responsibility for a collaborative approach
  • strategies to assist students in finding solutions to problems instead of supplying a solution
  • intentional and sequential program.

Presenter information

Nikki Maguire   

Nikki Maguire is an experienced educator and consultant in primary, secondary and tertiary education across Independent, government and Catholic sectors. She has a passion for learning innovation, inclusive authentic agency, and well-being-centred education practices. Nikki has a Masters in Inclusive Education and is a certified International Feuerstein Instrumental Enrichment trainer and facilitator, Project Wayfinder trainer, certified Highly Accomplished and Lead Teaching assessor and innovationXdesign facilitator. She has direct experience in diverse learning, academic coaching, wellbeing, school strategic planning and program design and delivery.

Will Hanley       

Will Hanley is currently an Innovation & Learning Leader at Independent Schools Victoria. Prior to his current role, he taught across a range of subject areas, holding various leadership positions, including Head of Department and Head of House. He has a passion for assisting young people to strive and thrive in multiple endeavours, challenging students to create and collaborate in order to comment on and positively contribute to the society in which they live. Will is a Feuerstein Instrumental Enrichment facilitator, and leads Wayfinder in Australia and New Zealand.